moon mail series

#1 - November 19, 2021: The beginning

#2 - December 18, 2021: Freudenfreude, joy for others

#3 - January 17, 2022: Pronoia, the antidote for paranoia

#4 - February 16, 2022: Kindess is a Virtue

#5 - March 18, 2022: The palm trees of my life

#6 - April 16, 2022: No need for escape

#7 - May 18, 2022: What do you want to do?

#8 - June 20, 2022: The strangers who help us

#9 - July 19, 2022: This is thirty-seven

#10 - October 9, 2022: the sweet doing nothing

#11 - November 13, 2022: something in four parts

#12 - December 15, 2022: finding a way

#13 - January 7, 2022: your inner guide

#14 - February 26, 2023: changing the narrative

#15 - May 5, 2023: in the middle

#16 - July 7, 2023: island time (this is thirty-eight)

#17 - December 22, 2023: catching waves