
  1. Article about a music video I filmed for Sridaya Srivatsan: Apt613 - LINK

  2. Article about a documentary feature film I co-produced and was the Director of Photography for: CBC - LINK

  3. TinyRipples - TedxTheGlebeWomen where I screened my short film for my speaker portion: Tedx - LINK


To Be Continued: Troubling the Archive

Episode 3 features Mailyne K. Briggs and Namitha Rathinappillai with host Anna Shah Hoque. They consider the work of spoken acts of memory and identity, connection to language and community in the diaspora. This conversation allows us to lean into stories of creative practices through linguistic projects to connect, claim, and attend to home, self and diaspora.

Halo Halo Podcast.PNG

Halo-Halo Podcast

After listening to their podcast, the host Sigi and Jezzie reached out asking if I could help them rebrand their logo AND be a guest on their podcast. Of course I said yes.

Sigi and Jezzie welcome me back in The Halo Halo Virtual Studios for this episode. We discuss Wellness Accounts we follow on Instagram for inspiration, resources, education and physical and mental health.

Small Machine Talks

Recorded October 6, 2019. Co-founder Shery and I spoke to Amanda about our forthcoming series for BIPOC writers and musicians debuting at the Origin on Tuesday, October 8, 2019. We talk about the goals of the series to provide a welcome and enriching environment that centers Indigenous and racialized writers and musicians in Ottawa.

season 2 episode 5: zero waste parenting

The Birth Talks

Listen to my chat with another Mai on why I went zero waste and how. This talk was back when I was a former solo mother and owner of A Dream Lived Greener on my determined journey to become a zero-waste parent while raising my son.

Standing Committee of Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management Speech

Speaking as a delegate during the Standing Committee of Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management in support of the motion Catherine McKenney put forth on the ban of single-use plastics, bottles and styrofoams in municipal buildings.

I start around 1:40:00

Nervously I talked of my zero waste experience and shared my petition I created with over 12,000 supporters to ban single-use plastics in the City of Ottawa. I was supported and met with a smiling thumbs up from Catherine McKenney and warmness by everyone at the Ottawa Water Study Action Group (@owsagottawa) who were also speaking in support of it.

Exploring Alternatives

After my one year challenge to go zero waste in 2015, I was interviewed by Mike and Danielle of Exploring Alternatives. In this video I was a single mom who adopted a zero waste lifestyle for almost 1 year to reduce the amount of garbage I send to landfills and to be part of a sustainable future. I still strive for a zero waste life, although I am now in a committed relationship.