Why I have a “Now Page”

Back in September I came across Derek Sivers. He had removed himself off social media, stopped updating his website except for his Now page. I was inspired! I wanted off of social media. I wanted a Now page! So I took a social media hiatus (it's still on), created my own Now page and update it only when I’ve completed a project. It’s the public part of my life. What keeps me on track with my goals.

When I started it my Now page, I had added this note:

I’m prefacing this list with a note about work. My birth father died from a heart attack when I was young, and after a series of scares with my own heart, I’ve decided adding too much to my workload and bringing stressful people into my life, isn’t worth it. (Read Burnout - it’s changed me).

My number one priority, aside from my own health, is my child and my family. I didn’t learn my lesson during pandaremic: be still. In fact, in hindsight, I did the complete opposite and I paid for it. Now, I’ve regularly scheduled time off every month, all to better balance myself and hopefully live longer.

When I add things to this list, I do so with joy, not a sense of urgency. I choose these projects, some paid, some unpaid, and I’m super grateful that after years as a single parent needing to say yes to everything, I can finally say NO.

I’m focusing on rest, creativity, JOMO (joy-of-missing-out), and I love it.

Feel free to check back anytime for updates - or add yourself to my pen pal list below.


The more private, intimate parts of my life, I share with my family and close friends. Sometimes I write about it, but only to the folks who want to receive my moon mail. If you want to know what I’m up to, add your email — or just send me a note.


A climb out of the shadows


Our first road trip to U.S since Pandaremic